Why the newsletter?

I started writing Complexity Matters in the fall of 2022.

In season one, I make the argument that most organizations have developed learning disabilities and are slow to adapt to the information age. I highlight the fundamentals missing in organizational development, and I explore how complexity theory and systems thinking can update our mental model of organizations.

In season two, I take a more practical approach, and I write about how organizations can improve their operating models and make better decisions in the day-to-day business reality.

This publication is my passion. During my career in technology leadership, I have worked with countless companies on their digital roadmap and transformation. Through my writing, I aim to offer other leaders a handle on how to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Instead of imitating patterns, I seek to uncover the first principles of agility and systems thinking.

Scale-ups and enterprise corporations have hired me to deliver innovative thinking and clarity to complex problems. I write as though my subscribers share those same expectations.

If you want to work with me, this page describes some of the services I can offer. My contact details can be found here.

Subscribe to Complexity matters

The way we’re working isn’t working. I believe we can fix that.


Systems thinker & homestead designer. I write about how we can fix human organization.